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Friday, September 19, 2008


Training for the job is far more important than the broad based education.

Training refers to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relates to specific useful skills. Apart from the education they had with proper training on the particular job makes them successful in their field and there the training plays an important role.

Training and development is the field concerned with workplace learning to improve performance. And such training can be categorized as on the job and off the job. On the job describes training that is given in the working situation using the actual tools, equipment. Documents or materials that they will use when fully trained. Off the job training takes place away from normal work which means that the employee is not regarded as the productive worker when training is taking place.An advantage of off the job training is that is allows people to get away from work and totally concentrate on the training being given. This is most effective for training concepts and ideas.

For example the training in the military makes us to learn many skills such as how to survive in combat that are needed in a time of war and also how to use variety of weapons. And the second example is in electronic or electrical firms the training gives them the practical knowledge on the machines and the way how to use them in the correct way with out the proper knowledge it may take them to dangerous risk if they make any wrong connections in the field and it lead to death also sometimes.

The education which was learned theoretically has come in to use when we are going to apply it practically on our own with out any help from the seniors it makes us more confident on the work we have done and we all know that experience makes man perfect and this will be achieved through this process.

In conclusion, with the proper training on the job that are going to do makes the employees to do the work in a proper manner and in less stipulated time and it is training gives them the backbone for the knowledge that was gained through education.

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